Configurations templates

A Configurations template is a prototype of pre-defined settings and files that you can apply to devices that share those same settings and files. Templates can help you standardize and automate the process of updating devices, as well as ensure consistency and accuracy between those devices. Digi recommends using templates for all major setting and file changes you make, including network, firewall, route, and firmware update changes.

TLDR: Use templates to automatically update devices that share common settings and files and/or override common settings and files with site-specific ones.

From the Configurations screen, you can:

  • Create a new Configurations template.

  • Edit a Configurations template.

  • Delete a Configurations template.

  • Upload a site-specific settings file to a Configuration template.

  • View the change history of a Configurations template.

  • Copy and existing Configurations template to create a new one.

  • Change the way the columns of the Configurations templates table are displayed.

  • Reorder the columns of the Configurations template table.

  • Change the Configuration templates table preferences, such as table spacing and the way the Device ID

Additional Resources

Use case | Update firmware on multiple devices using a Configurations template


Do you want the Configurations feature? Contact Digi Sales.