SmartSense de Digi

Implante soluciones de supervisión remota que proporcionen información y alertas procesables para proteger su negocio. Desde cocinas comerciales hasta hospitales, restaurantes y flotas, las soluciones de SmartSense cumplen con sus requisitos de supervisión y cumplimiento.

La plataforma de información para empresas proactivas

SmartSense aprovecha los sensores sin cables y los potentes análisis para impulsar la excelencia operativa y mejorar la eficiencia y el cumplimiento, mantener el control de calidad y responder a los problemas con rapidez, antes de que se produzcan riesgos para la salud pública o la pérdida de inventario de productos.

SmartSense ofrece soluciones empresariales IoT para la seguridad alimentaria, la supervisión de instalaciones, la seguridad farmacéutica y la visibilidad de la cadena de suministro. Cada solución está diseñada para proporcionar la flexibilidad y el control que necesita para garantizar los estándares de la marca, proteger a sus clientes y eliminar las pérdidas de inventario.

Visite SmartSense


Streamline IoT Solutions Using Aggregation and Coopetition

With the emergence of new business and customer segments in today’s rapidly changing markets, fragmentation is inevitable, given the proliferation of each segment’s own distinct needs and preferences. In other words, now more than ever, a multitude of customers are choosing among an abundance of products and services provided by an increasing number of vendors.

Market fragmentation in itself is not necessarily negative; in fact, it's typically a sign of customer choice and healthy competition. Nevertheless, fragmentation often adds a burden for end users of IoT solutions who may be perplexed as they negotiate the complexities of disparate technologies. In particular, the excessive accumulation of log-in procedures required for employees to conduct everyday tasks can be frustrating, especially if apps are redundant or, worse, poorly integrated.

This super-saturated technological landscape is aggravated by what we might call the “pendulum of technology buying.” That is, the purchasing pattern of most companies swings between adopting one enterprise system from a primary vendor and selecting discrete best-of-breed solutions from secondary vendors that excel at meeting one specific need.

When customers prefer a different best-of-breed solution for every use case, the number of apps accrue end to end for all their supply chain operations — from production processes and shipping logistics to condition monitoring and integrated business planning. Unfortunately, this purchasing strategy usually results in a disjointed experience for users that, in turn, leads to inevitable mistakes and a toll on operational efficiency.

For the remainder of this post, we take a look at two tactics that can help resolve unwanted user disorientation brought on by the unnecessary buildup of apps and the clumsy integration of overlapping technologies:

Implantar soluciones de supervisión en tiempo real
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